International Women's Day Coffee Morning

International Women's Day Coffee Morning

International Women's Day coffee morning

International Women's Day 2021 #ChooseToChallenge - Motus Learning

On the 8th of March this year we were so delighted to be able to once again celebrate International Women’s Day at Queen of Angels.

Parents from both our Junior and Senior Classes came to celebrate with us on this very special occasion. Coffee, tea, scones, croissants and most importantly good company was enjoyed by all this morning in our school hall.

Each Mammy was presented with a goody bag containing a delicious homemade dinner, as all ladies deserve to be pampered and rest their feet on such a wonderful day as this!

In addition to this our wonderfully talented Ms. Susan Durrad kindly made beautiful handmade soaps as a gift for each parent as a special surprise.

Many thanks to Ms. Ciara Downes, Ms. Susan Durrad and all the staff at QOA for all their amazing work and dedication in organising this very special coffee morning.

Wishing you all a very Happy International Women’s Day

Deirdre Hannigan

Feb 20
Mid Term Break
Mar 17
St Patrick's Day
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
Return to school 8.50am
Queen of Angels Primary School,
Dublin 16,
Co. Dublin,

01 2955 483

© 2025 Queen of Angels Primary School