Welcome back September 2021

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Queen of Angels PS

Dear Parents and guardians,

We hope you all had a lovely summer break and are all settling into the routine of return to school. It has been a strange twelve months for all of us with the return to remote teaching from January to March. Now that a good proportion of the population has been vaccinated we are hoping that a lot of activities and celebrations we missed over the past year will return to the school calendar. Please understand that we are working as best we can to make school life as normal as possible for the pupils, but some delays are inevitable.

We will continue to use Seesaw for correspondence between the class teacher and home together with posting homework. If you wish to speak to the class teacher please contact the office for an appointment.

Please see below some important information. If you have any further questions please contact the office on 01-2955483.

Please note, the school will once again be open every day from 8.45am. There will be no access to the school before 8.45am unless they are attending Breakfast Club. Teachers will collect their class from the line at 8.50am.

We will continue to use a number of entrance and exit points to the school buildings. Classes in the Junior Block will enter from the gate opposite the shopping centre and Senior Block classes will enter from the gate beside the laneway. There are bicycle racks at each block. Accompanying adults must leave through gate onto Blackthorn Drive.

Anybody wishing to pay monies to the office must wait outside the middle block until the previous person has left the office window. If you require information from the office please contact us by phone so we may assist you or arrange a time for you to come in.

All adults on school grounds must wear a face mask in accordance with government health and safety guidelines. Please do not remain on the grounds once you have left your child in the morning. For collection of pupils please do not enter grounds before 1.25pm for Infants and 2.25pm for all other classes. We are asking parents/guardians of pupils from 3rd class up to be collected, if possible, from the gate or other pre-arranged area off school grounds.

Breakfast Club will resume shortly. Please look out for a letter from M Hannigan regarding same.

All pupils must have a small hand towel with them every day to use for drying their hands. We encourage regular washing of hands together with the use of hand sanitizers located throughout the school.


Avila Donegan

Mar 17
St Patrick's Day
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
Return to school 8.50am
May 05
May Bank Holiday
Queen of Angels Primary School,
Dublin 16,
Co. Dublin,

01 2955 483

© 2025 Queen of Angels Primary School