Christmas Newsletter

Christmas Newsletter

Christmas Newsletter 2019

Christmas Carols Galore!

Our annual invitation to sing at the lighting of the Christmas tree lights in the Beacon South Quarter took place on Thursday 28th November and, as always, was a huge success. All the boys and girls of the choir got to meet with Santa before they began to sing so had time for a good chat. We had an amazing turnout as always. Our school choir were again asked to perform at the Parish Annual Carol Service and at two local community Christmas parties in the Scouts Den and the Parish Centre. We also performed at a charity Christmas lunch being hosted by one of the many international companies in the Industrial Estate. A special thank you to Ms Pigott and Ms Archer for their hard work in preparing the choir and to all the teachers for facilitating the extra choir practice. And well done to all the boys and girls for all the enthusiasm they bring to these occasions – we are already booked for performances next year.

Infant Christmas Concert

Our Junior and Senior Infant Christmas concerts will be performed on Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th of December. Thanks to all our Infant teachers, SNAs and helpers who are working so hard on the preparation to make these productions so wonderful and memorable for the children and their parents.

Christmas Fun Day

This year, in place of our annual Christmas Fair, the Parents Association are organising a Christmas Fun Day for the children (and adults too!). On the 19th of December the school hall will be transformed into a place of fun with the ever popular Wheel of Fortune, hot chocolate, chocolate fountain, Christmas Scavenger Hunt, Reindeer Hoops game, Guess the Number of Balls in the Bottle and the ever-popular colouring competition. More information to follow.

Christmas Raffle

The annual adult Christmas raffle will take place on Wednesday 18th December after the Infant play. Our children’s Christmas raffle will take place on Friday 20th December. There are wonderful prizes to be won and tickets will be on sale every morning outside reception and in the classrooms. Many thanks to our Parents Association for their work to raise funds through our raffles and Christmas Fun Day.

Green Schools Recycled Christmas Decoration Competition

Every year Ms Fallon asks the boys and girls to get their “Green Schools” hats on to design a decoration made of recycled materials. As always the children did not let us down and made the job of choosing the school representative to attend the County Hall in Dun Laoghaire a difficult one. Our school winner this year was Jacob Conroy from 2nd Class. He represented us at the awards ceremony in the Town Hall in Dunlaoghaire . Well done to Jacob and all our participants throughout the school and thanks also to Ms Fallon for organising the school competition.

Trips and Visits

We have had many outings over the past few months including Airfield, rugby blitz and the National Gallery to name but a few.

Both our 3rd classes have also been fortunate to have had regular visits from outdoor experts teaching them all about habitats, wildlife and gardening.

We were also visited by representatives from Microsoft who ran a day of coding with our senior classes and by Paul Maher from Simply Music who spent two days in the school providing percussion workshops with all the classes in the school.

Attendance Prizes

Prizes for full attendance in school and excellent punctuality this term will be presented at our final assembly of the year. We will celebrate all the boys and girls who reached this wonderful goal.

Collection Times

Please ensure that all pupils are collected on time – 1.30 for Infant classes and 2.30 for all other classes. If you are unable to collect your child, please make alternative arrangements and inform the school of who will be collecting them.

Check out our new school website – same address ( brand new design

Please note: School closes at 12 noon on Friday the 20th of December and re-opens on Monday 6th January 2018 at 8.50 am.

And finally ….

Merry Christmas and thank you all for helping make this first term such a wonderful success. We look forward to your continued support in the New Year.

Mar 17
St Patrick's Day
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
Return to school 8.50am
May 05
May Bank Holiday
Queen of Angels Primary School,
Dublin 16,
Co. Dublin,

01 2955 483

© 2025 Queen of Angels Primary School