Kandinsky art in 4th class

Kandinsky art in 4th class

4th Class really enjoyed exploring the works of Kandinsky. We looked at an abstract painting of his called, "The Transverse Line" and then had a go at creating an abstract painting using lines, shapes and other forms. He was one of the founding fathers of Abstract Art. Kandinsky felt that he could express feelings and music through colours and shapes in his paintings. For example, he thought that yellow had the crisp sound of a brass trumpet and that certain colours placed together could harmonize like chords on a piano. He once wrote:

"Colour is the keyboard,

the eyes are the hammers,

the soul is the piano with many strings.

The artist is the hand which plays,

touching one key or another,

to cause vibrations in the soul"

Wassily Kandinsky

Jun 03
June Bank Holiday
Jun 07
Local Elections
Jun 27
Summer Holidays 12pm closing
Queen of Angels Primary School,
Dublin 16,
Co. Dublin,

01 2955 483

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