Cycle Right Programme for the 5th classes

Cycle Right Programme for the 5th classes

What is Cycle Right?

CYCLE RIGHT is the National Standard for Cycle Training and provides practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists.

It is produced and supported by the Department of Transport, the Road Safety Authority and Cycling Ireland, with input from central and local agencies and other groups.

It is a cyclist road safety training programme designed to give cyclists the knowledge and skills to move safely through the road system, an environment shared with other road users.

How is it implemented?

It is delivered over three stages with participants gaining skills and knowledge on a phased basis which prepares the individual to cycle in increasingly complex road scenarios. Ideally, individual sessions in each stage should be delivered at intervals (weekly) to allow sufficient time for practice in between. At Stage One, minimum delivery allowed is 4 two-hour sessions at weekly intervals.

As participants move through the stages of training, they take greater levels of responsibility for themselves on their bike on the road.

Our two 5th classes are really enjoying this fantastic, worthwhile programme!

Jun 03
June Bank Holiday
Jun 07
Local Elections
Jun 27
Summer Holidays 12pm closing
Queen of Angels Primary School,
Dublin 16,
Co. Dublin,

01 2955 483

© 2024 Queen of Angels Primary School