A fun day for all the school in St Tiernan's

A fun day for all the school in St Tiernan's

All pupils from Junior Infants to 5th Class enjoyed a fabulous day in St.Tiernan's last Tuesday! We were kindly invited by Peter Lennon, SCP Coordinator, who ensured all children had a day of fun and games. The children got to play badminton, tennis and football on St.Tiernan's wonderful astroturf pitch. Even the rain couldn't dampen our spirits! We continued the activities in their wonderful Sports Hall when the weather took a turn afor the worse. Between pizza, juices and sweets our Queen of Angels children had the best day ever!! Huge thanks to Peter for the invitation!

B Fallon

Oct 28
Mid -Term Holidays
Dec 23
Christmas Holidays
Dec 23
12pm closing
Jan 06
Return to school 8.50am
Queen of Angels Primary School,
Dublin 16,
Co. Dublin,

01 2955 483

© 2024 Queen of Angels Primary School